Video for remedial lessons reduces risk of epidemic (Sing Tao Daily)Newscut about the school
11/07/2020Switching to video in remedial lessons to reduce the risk of infection
11/07/2020Early summer holidays for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens Examination tutorials can continue Five more schools have confirmed students on a single day EMB allows schools to make flexible arrangements
28/05/2020School-based assessment streamlined for 11 subjects, most submissions halved (Sing Tao Daily)
19/05/2020[Education News] Geography Exam question on "Water Temperature Test" is less difficult and expected to get high marks (Sing Tao Daily)
09/05/2020Secondary schools to draw on DSE to prevent epidemics as classes resume (Sing Tao Daily)
07/05/2020Kevin Yeung (JP Secretary for Education): Physical education classes will be organized carefully, with activities without physical contact preferred (MingPao)
04/05/2020[Education News] Lau Wing Sang installs solar panels in school to promote environmental protection (Sing Tao Daily)
04/05/2020Creating "Green Schools" to support sustainable development (Sing Tao Daily)
17/04/2020NOW reports on DSE preparation in our schools: Some secondary schools hand out new admit cards to fresh candidates (Now News)
16/04/2020DSE has set a dead line of 6.11 The exam will be cancelled if it doesn't start next Friday You have to leave if your temperature reaches 38°C
15/04/2020Media reports on anti-epidemic measures for HKDSE (Sing Tao Daily)
03/04/2020Government is understood to be working on new DSE changes, still aiming to organise HKDSE Examination (Now News)
10/03/2020Media Report: Dr Lam Tat-ho, Principal of CNEC Lau Wing Sang Secondary School ( M21 18/03/2020)Diploma Examination candidates are collecting their examination cards and some secondary schools are providing supplies to cheer them up ( Now News )
10/03/2020Now News interviews our S6 students